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Bluebirds Guide

bluebirds guide

Bluebirds are a welcome sight in any garden. They are beautiful birds that can be easy to attract. Furthermore, these gorgeous creatures are also the symbol of hope and joy.

In this guide, we will discuss the best ways to attract bluebirds to your yard and provide some helpful tips on taking care of them as well as how to create a bluebird-friendly habitat.

Bluebirds Characteristics

Bluebirds are a type of bird that is found in North America. They are about the size of a robin, and they have a blue body with a reddish-brown head.

Bluebirds eat insects and fruit, and they build their nests out of mud, twigs, and grass. Bluebirds typically live in open areas such as fields and meadows.

Bluebirds are known for being very friendly birds. They will often come to people’s yards to eat food or drink water from birdbaths. Some people even put up special houses called “bluebird houses” specifically for bluebirds to nest in.

Bluebird populations have been declining in recent years, so it is important to help these birds thrive by providing them with food and shelter.

If you want to see a bluebird in your backyard, keep an eye out for them during the spring and summer months. They are usually most active during the morning and early evening hours. You can also listen to their song, which is a series of high-pitched whistles.

Types of Bluebirds in the United States

There are three types of bluebirds that can be found in the United States: the eastern bluebird, the western bluebird, and the mountain bluebird.

  • The eastern bluebird is found in the eastern half of the country, from Maine to Florida and west to Texas. They prefer open areas with plenty of trees, such as meadows, pastures, parks, and suburban neighborhoods
  • The western bluebird mostly resides in the western half of the country, from California to Washington and east to Colorado. They love parklike oak savanna, and pine
  • The mountain bluebird is found in mountainous areas throughout North America. They love habitats with evergreen trees and a lot of open space

Things to know about Bluebirds

bluebirds characteristics

1. What do Bluebirds Look Like?

Bluebirds are one of the most easily recognized backyard birds due to their brilliant blue plumage.

Bluebirds typically measure between six to eight inches long and weigh about an ounce.

They have short, stout bills that are perfect for cracking open seeds. Their wings are also short and rounded, which helps them maneuver through dense vegetation.

  • Males have a deep azure blue back, wings, and cap
  • Females are mostly pale blue with some darker barring on their wings

Both sexes have white bellies and chests, as well as black eyes and bills.

The characteristic bright red throat patch of male American Robins is usually absent in Bluebirds (although it may be faintly visible on some eastern males).

The tail is square rather than rounded. Juveniles are similar in color to females but have a spotted chest and browner back.

2. What do Bluebirds Sound Like?

Bluebirds make various sounds, from whistles and warbles to high-pitched trills. Depending on the situation, their calls can be soft and gentle, or loud and insistent.

  • When Bluebirds are courting, they’ll sing loudly to attract a mate
  • While defending their territory, they’ll give a warning call that’s much harsher sounding

In all cases, though, Bluebird songs are beautiful and distinctive.

Bluebirds have a sweet, high-pitched voice that some people find soothing. They sing throughout the year, but their songs are most noticeable during the spring and summer months. Bluebird songs vary in length and complexity, with some lasting up to 20 seconds.

Each song comprises several parts, typically including an introductory phrase, the main melody, and a closing verse. Some Bluebirds also give alarm calls when they spot danger. These calls are usually short and sharp and sound like “chee” or “wheet”.

Bluebirds are one of the few bird species that sing during the winter. Although their songs may not be as loud or complex as those heard in the summer, they still provide a beautiful soundtrack to the season.

3. How Are Bluebirds Different From Other Birds?

Bluebirds are different from other birds in a few ways.

  • For one, they have a distinct blue coloration that makes them easy to spot
  • They also have differently shaped beaks than most other birds, which allows them to eat insects and fruit more easily
  • Bluebirds are also smaller than many other bird species, making them easier to care for if you’re keeping them as pets
  • Bluebirds are known for being very social animals and typically live in large colonies with other members of their species
  • Finally, bluebirds are cavity nesters. This means they build their nests in holes in trees or buildings. Other bird species typically build their nests on flat surfaces like branches or roofs

4. How long do Bluebirds Live?

Bluebirds can live up to six years in the wild. In captivity, they may live as long as eight years.

Their average lifespan is around five years. Males tend to live a little longer than females.

Bluebirds are not sexually mature until their first year of life, so young birds often don’t survive their first winter. The oldest known bluebird was ten years and four months old.

According to the National Bluebird Society, bluebirds typically start reproducing at two or three years old and lay an average of four eggs per clutch. The number of clutches per year varies depending on food availability and climate.

Some bluebirds will raise two broods each year, some only one brood, and others won’t nest at all in a particular year.

5. Where do Bluebirds Live?

Bluebirds can be found in many different habitats, including forests, meadows, and gardens. They prefer to live in areas with open space to fly and hunt for food.

Bluebirds also like to nest in cavities, such as hollow trees or birdhouses.

Bluebirds also like to live in areas where there is water nearby so they can drink and bathe.

Most bluebirds prefer to live in rural areas, but some species have been known to adapt to living in urban environments.

Bluebirds can be found throughout North America, from Canada to Mexico. In the east, they range as far south as Florida, while in the west, they can be found as far south as California. They are also present in parts of Central America and South America.

6. Where do Bluebirds sleep?

Bluebirds sleep in various locations, including nest boxes, tree cavities, and man-made structures. They typically choose a sheltered location where they can be safe from predators.

Bluebirds are also cavity nesters, meaning they build their nests inside pre existing holes in trees or other objects. This makes them very adaptable to different surroundings and allows them to use a wide range of habitats.

Bluebirds have even been known to take up residence in birdhouses that have been specifically designed for them.

So if you’re looking to help out your local bluebird population, consider putting up a nest box in your backyard. It’s a great way to provide these beautiful birds with some much-needed habitat, and it can also be a lot of fun to watch them come and go.

7. Where do Bluebirds go at Night?

Bluebirds typically roost in trees, but there are a few other places they might go. Some Bluebirds will fly to power lines or poles to sleep, while others may find shelter in barns, sheds, or under the eaves of houses.

If you have a Bluebird house on your property, they may also use that as a place to rest their head at night.

No matter where they choose to sleep, Bluebirds are known for being very active during the day and spending most of their time foraging for food.

8. Where do Bluebirds Nest?

Bluebirds are cavity nesters, meaning they need a hole to build their nest. It can be in a tree or a man-made structure such as a birdhouse.

The female Bluebird will select a nesting site and lay her eggs there. She will then incubate the eggs for about two weeks, and the young birds will stay in the nest for another two weeks before fledging.

It is important to provide Bluebirds with appropriate nesting sites, as they are declining in numbers due to habitat loss.

Bluebirds typically lay eggs in the early spring, usually starting in late February or March. Some Bluebirds may even start laying eggs in January.

9. Do Bluebirds Migrate?

Bluebirds are migratory birds. They migrate south in the fall and return to their northern breeding grounds in the spring.

Some bluebirds may remain in their wintering areas all year long, but they will still be considered migrants. Their migration is probably related to changes in food availability and weather conditions.

Bluebirds usually travel at night, when it is cooler, and use landmarks to navigate their way. They can cover a lot of ground quickly – up to 100 miles in a single day.

Migrating bluebirds rely on stopover sites, where they can rest and refuel to help them make the journey safely. These sites can be anything from dense forests to open fields with plenty of insects.

When bluebirds arrive at their destination, they will sing to let other birds know that they’ve arrived and are looking for a place to stay.

10. Where do Bluebirds Migrate to?

Bluebirds migrate to the United States and Canada in the spring. They fly north from Mexico and Central America, where they spend the winter.

In the fall, they head back south to those areas. Some Bluebirds may also stay in the U.S. or Canada year-round.

11. How far do Bluebirds Migrate?

Bluebirds are migratory birds that can travel up to 1000 miles each year. Some bluebirds may only migrate a few hundred miles, while others may travel as far as Mexico or Central America. Their migration patterns are largely determined by food availability and weather conditions.

Bluebirds are generally considered short-distance migrants, meaning they don’t travel as far as some other species of birds.

However, their annual travels can still take them hundreds of miles from their breeding grounds. In general, bluebirds prefer to stay close to home but will occasionally venture further afield if necessary.

12. How to Attract Bluebirds?

The answer is quite simple. All you need to do is provide a source of water, food, and shelter.

Bluebirds are attracted to areas where there is an adequate supply of insects. They love to eat spiders, beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars.

So, you can attract Bluebirds by putting out a feeder with these types of insects in it.

Another way to bring Bluebirds into your yard is to provide them with a place to nest. You can do this by putting up a birdhouse or nesting box. Make sure the opening of the house or box is about two and a half inches wide so that the birds can easily get inside.

13. What Flowers do Bluebirds like?

Bluebirds love to eat insects, so they aren’t too fussy when it comes to flowers. They will eat the nectar from any flower that is accessible. Still, they seem to prefer bright-colored flowers like those found in the sunflower family.

Some popular bluebird flowers include asters, black-eyed Susans, cosmos, and goldenrod.

Bluebirds are beautiful birds that add charm to any landscape. By planting some of their favorite flowers near your home or garden, you can attract these lovely creatures and enjoy their company while you watch them feed.

14. What plants do Bluebirds like?

Bluebirds are attracted to plants that have red berries, such as holly, cedar, and juniper. They also like plants with small fruits, such as mulberry and cherry.

Insects are the main food source for bluebirds, so they also like to live near areas with tall grass or flowering plants.

Finally, bluebirds prefer nesting in open areas where they can easily see predators coming from a distance. You’ll usually find them nesting in fields, meadows, or parks rather than in forests or wooded areas.

15. What do Bluebirds Eat?

Bluebirds’ diet can vary depending on the time of year and their location.

  • Bluebirds typically eat a variety of insects, including caterpillars, grasshoppers, beetles, and crickets. They also consume spiders, earthworms, millipedes, and other small invertebrates
  • Bluebirds often hunt for prey by perching on a branch and scanning the ground or foliage below for movement. They may also hover in place to better view their surroundings
  • In addition to insects, bluebirds also eat fruits and seeds. Fruits provide important sources of nutrients like vitamin C and carbohydrates, while seeds are a source of protein
  • Bluebirds typically consume fruits and seeds found in their natural environment. Still, they will also visit bird feeders that offer these items. During the winter months, when insect prey is less available, fruits and seeds become more important sources of nutrition for bluebirds

16. How to make Bluebirds Food?

There are many ways to make Bluebirds food. You can use a store-bought mix, or you can make your own. Here are some recipes to get you started:


  • One cup of white millet
  • One cup of cracked corn
  • One cup of live mealworms (or other bird feeder insects)


  • Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.
  • Store in an airtight container until ready to use.
  • Pour the mixture into your bluebird feeder.

Note: Mix will keep for about two weeks

17. What to feed Bluebirds?

There are many things you can feed bluebirds, but the best food is live insects. You can buy a feeder with compartments for different food types, or you can put out individual foods like mealworms, suet pellets, and birdseed.

Keeping your bluebird feeder clean is important so the birds don’t get sick.

You can also provide Bluebirds with a variety of foods to eat, including:

  • Fruits: Bluebirds like to eat different types of fruit. Try putting out slices of apple, orange, or grapefruit
  • Seeds: Seeds make a good food choice for Bluebirds too. Try spreading some birdseed on a platform feeder or in a tray feeder

18. Where to Place Bluebirds Feeder

There are many things to consider when placing a Bluebirds feeder.

  • The most important factors are the location of the feeder and the type of food you will be providing
  • Bluebirds prefer to feed in open areas with plenty of trees for perching. They also like to be near water, as they often drink while feeding. Try to place your feeder near a garden or other landscaping that will provide cover for the birds
  • You can also hang a bluebird feeder near a shrub or tree. This will give the birds some cover and make them feel safe while eating
  • Make sure to hang the feeder at least five feet off the ground so cats and other predators can’t reach it
  • You may also want to put up a birdhouse nearby to provide the bluebirds with a place to nest
  • If you live in an area where there are no bushes or trees, you can still put up a bluebird feeder by mounting it on a pole. Just be sure to mount it in an open area where the birds will clearly view their surroundings
  • The best time to put out food for Bluebirds is early morning or late afternoon, when they are most active

19. How do Bluebirds find Feeders?

Bluebirds are attracted to bright colors, so you might want to try painting your feeder red or blue. Make sure that the paint is bird-safe, though, or you could end up poisoning the birds.

Bluebirds have an amazing sense of sight which helps them find their favorite food sources.

They can see ultraviolet light, which means they can see the bright colors of flowers and feeders that humans cannot. This also helps them find food in dense forests where other birds may not be able to see as well.

Bluebirds also use their excellent hearing to help them find food. They can hear insects moving around under the leaves and bark on trees, making it easier for them to snatch up a meal.

20. Birdbath and Bluebird Houses for Bluebirds

Bluebirds love to bathe and use any available water source, including puddles, ponds, streams, or rainwater caught in gutters or basins. You can also install a birdbath specifically for bluebirds.

There are several things you can do to make your birdbath more inviting for bluebirds:

  • Place the birdbath in an open area where bluebirds can easily see it
  • Make sure the bath has a shallow end and a deep end. Bluebirds like to bathe in both depths
  • Put some rocks in the bath so that the birds can perch while they bathe

One important thing to remember when providing a birdbath for Bluebirds is that they need access to freshwater. If you live in an area where it rains often, you may not have to change the water as frequently, but if it’s hot and dry, it will need to be changed every day or two.

You can help keep the bath clean by adding a few drops of dish soap to the water. Bluebirds love to bathe in bubbles!

Bluebird houses are another essential item for attracting bluebirds. The best location is in an open area near trees and other suitable nesting sites.

Face the house towards the south or east so that the sun will warm it during the day. Ensure there is a sloping roof to keep the rain and snow off of the entrance hole.

The entrance hole should be about an inch and a half wide; bluebirds are not as big as some other species, so they need a smaller opening.


As we have seen, bluebirds are an important part of the ecosystem, and they play a vital role in helping to control pests. They are also beautiful creatures that bring joy to many people.

If you’re looking for an easy way to bring some beauty and nature into your backyard, consider inviting bluebirds to visit! With the help of this guide, you can create a perfect habitat for them and enjoy watching them thrive.

If you are lucky enough to see a bluebird near your home, be sure to take the time to appreciate it. Thanks for reading!

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