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How Do Parakeets Sleep in a Cage

how do parakeets sleep in a cage

Taking care of parakeets is fun and requires only low maintenance. That is why they are a perfect choice to keep as pets. Being new to keeping them, you may have wondered if these birds ever sleep. The answer to that is yes! And they are like humans when it comes to sleeping, also with their eyes closed. They also get grumpy when they don’t get enough sleep.

Bringing home a new parakeet may pose a lot of questions in mind. You may think of the things you need to buy for their cage to provide them with the best environment. Do they need beds or nests for them to sleep? Let us find out in this article and discuss how parakeets sleep in a cage.

Sleeping Habits of Parakeets

Being a new parakeet parent, you should know some basic behaviors and habits of your parakeet. Of course, you want to know if they are getting enough rest and sleep. There is no right or wrong way these birds sleep at night. However, these are the usual behaviors you should look out for when it is time for them to sleep.

Closed Eyes
Just like humans, parakeets sleep with their eyes closed. But it does not mean that they are sleeping every time they close their eyes. Sometimes, they close their eyes because they are feeling cozy and relaxed.

Head Tucked

They also like sleeping with their face tucked into their feathers, head turned and tucked to their neck, or resting on their back. After a long day of holding their heads up, they can finally lose it and rest. This is their way to relax and help themselves to sleep because it is comfier and darker when they have their heads tucked.

Standing Up

Parakeets prefer to sleep standing up. They are comfortable with this position even though they are already standing for the whole day. They have an involuntary reflex that keeps them from falling so even when they sleep standing, they are still stable in their place.

One Leg Tucked Up Underneath

It may sound uncomfortable, but to parakeets, this sleeping position keeps them warm while sleeping. Because they do not have feathers in their legs, tucking one leg underneath helps minimize heat loss. They can do this position without falling because their toes have a good grasp so, no need to worry!

Preferred Place to Sleep

They like to settle on the highest point in the cage. That is why it is better to provide them with a perch or toy hanging at a suitable height. If you have many parakeets, make sure that you have enough space, perches, or toys for them to avoid fighting.

Sleeping Time

Parakeets sleep at night or whenever it is dark for them. They also do afternoon naps when the environment permits, and they are feeling cozy. They usually need a total of 9-12 hours of sleep to wake up feeling fresh in the morning.

Do Parakeets need Nests or Beds to Sleep?

do parakeets need nests or beds to sleep

Although they prefer to settle on high points in the cage, your parakeets need a nest just like they do in the wild. A nesting box or sleeping hut inside a cage can make them feel safe and secure to relax and get the hours of sleep they need. You can also provide them with a soft bed for them to lay down for the night.

In choosing a bird hut, there are factors you should consider. The first thing to do is check whether it is really for sleeping or nesting. Next is to make sure that the materials used are safe for your birds. Monitor their activity and see to it that they are not chewing any materials and that their feet do not get stuck on it. It can injure your parakeets and become a problem.

Help your parakeet with their sleep

The environment inside and outside their cage affects their sleep. Being the ones responsible for taking care of parakeets, we should provide them with a safe and sound atmosphere. Keep their cage clean all the time. Remove any unnecessary stuff they do not need or do not usually use.

A dark, quiet environment can help put them to sleep. We can cover the birdcage if the surrounding is too bright, but not too dark as this can scare your parakeets. Covering the bird cage can also help reduce noises. In the morning, gradually pull up the cover to slowly introduce light. Sudden change in the brightness of the environment can scare and anger parakeets.

Some parakeets experience night terrors that is why it is better if the environment is not too dark. You can put small lamps so that even when the cage is covered, there would still be light on sight.
The temperature should be kept between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit—not too hot and not too cold. It can be a problem if you go beyond or lower than this range as this can make them ill.

Facing the cage in another direction when it’s time for them to sleep can also help, especially if they are facing the road the whole day. It conditions them and helps them have uninterrupted sleep. Or if you have an extra room that is secluded and away from the noises, you can transfer their cage whenever they go to sleep.


Choosing parakeets as a pet is easy since they are not that high maintenance. Part of taking care of them is knowing the best equipment that can be beneficial to them, including nests or beds for them to sleep. That is why it is important to be familiar with their behavior and know what is normal and what is not.

Although parakeets comfortably sleep standing up, nests and beds would still be good. But, make sure to check the materials used to avoid any injuries to the parakeets. Do not forget to put perches, swings, or toys hanging in their cage as they prefer high spots. It would be nice to give them options and explore their space in the cage for them to choose their best sleeping spot.

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