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How to Find Lost Birds?

how to find a lost bird

Bird owners dread when they reach home to find out their pet birds have already flown away, leaving the cage empty. Many hold onto the hope that the birds will come back. Still, sitting there in defeat is not going to help much.

Finding a lost bird can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. As long as we know what to do, there is hope to bring it back. In this blog post, we will teach you how to find a lost bird and what to do once you find it.

How to Find Lost Birds?

1. Find the Bird in Areas Close to Home

Birds are creatures of habit and will usually stay close to their territory. Look in trees, bushes, and on the ground for any clues as to where your bird may have gone.

If you can’t find them near home, expand your search area gradually. Birds that have been lost for more than a day or two tend to find their way back home on their own. Chances are, you’ll find your bird waiting for you at the front door or hanging out in a nearby tree when you get home from work!

If they still haven’t come home after several days have passed, they will not likely return, so try to find them as soon as possible.

2. Bring the Bird’s Mate

If you take care of a pair of birds and one goes missing, you should bring its partner to find it. The mate will make some noise and call out its friend, thus raising the possibility of the other bird recognizing the signal and coming back.

2. Seek help from the Close Community

If you’ve searched your entire property and still can’t find your bird, it’s time to enlist some help from the community.

Also, make sure you check your phone and email in case someone finds your bird and contacts you.

3. Post about your Lost Bird Online in Forums or Classified Websites

Many lost bird finders have successfully reunited with their pets by using social media. You can find lost birds by taking advantage of Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites.

Post pictures on local websites and ask people if they’ve seen anything suspicious near your house/perimeter (signs of scratching at windows or doors).

4. Spread the Food on the Feeder and Place it in the Garden

Make the bird seeds visible and place the feeder out in the open for your bird to notice. It can get hungry after a while, so it might come back for food.

You can also open the cage, fill it with food and leave the cage outside.

5. Carry your Search at Dusk and at Dawn

At this time of the day, birds are more likely to get out of the bush or tree they are hiding and reach out to people. Therefore, searching at this hour might help.

While searching, make low him and gently call to draw your bird’s attention and not frighten it.

Also, make sure to stop and listen. Make sure not to drown the bird’s response with your continuous loud call.

6. Call the Police

You can ask people if they’ve seen anything suspicious. And if there is, do not hesitate to seek help from local police to bring back your birds.

Once you Find your Bird

what to do if you find a lost bird

When you first find them, wear gloves to prevent the transfer of human scent onto its feathers. It’s also helpful to put a towel or shirt over the bird for it to feel more secure while being handled.

Make sure not to scare the bird because this will only exacerbate the problem in most cases.

Keep them safe until it is time for transport home if needed. Birds do best when transported in sturdy cardboard boxes, but some will require cages depending on their size.

Other Important Information

What to do if you Find a Lost Bird?

If you find a lost bird, be sure to handle it gently and try not to scare it. The best way to catch a lost bird is by using a net or towel. Place the net or towel over the bird’s head and pick it up carefully.

Once you have the bird in your possession, please place it in a dark, quiet room until you can find help.

DO NOT give food or water to the bird unless instructed by a professional.

Then, the best thing to do is try to find the owner. The easiest way to do this is to check if the bird has a tag or identification number.

If there is no bird identification, you can try posting pictures of the bird online or contacting local bird sanctuaries or rehabilitation centers.

If you cannot find the owner, it may be necessary to find a new home for the bird. Try reaching out to your local animal rescue organizations or shelters for help finding a new home for the lost bird.

Preventing Your Birds from Flying Away

If you’re a bird owner, it’s important to take preventative measures to keep your bird from flying away. Here are some tips:

  • Find a safe place for your bird to stay when you’re not home. This could be a cage or an aviary that’s specifically designed for birds
  • Make sure your bird is properly socialized and used to being around people so it won’t try to fly away when someone approaches it
  • Keep your bird’s wings trimmed so it can’t fly away if it gets loose
  • Put an identification tag on your bird’s leg with your contact information if it gets lost
  • Have regular checkups with a veterinarian to ensure your bird is healthy and not stressed
  • Never try to hold onto your bird if it tries to fly away. Always find a secure place for the bird, so you don’t injure yourself or damage property trying to keep it on the ground

Do Birds Come Back After they Fly Away?

You can hope this happens since it is in birds’ nature to find their companion. For instance, parrots are likely to come back after flying away since they are smart and affectionate birds.

If your parrot goes missing and you do everything you can, maybe just wait for 2 – 3 days; it will return to your arm again.


If you are looking for a lost pet bird, do not panic. Many things can be done to find it and safely bring your new friend home.

The key to finding lost birds is patience. If you’ve been working on a bird feeder for some time, it may be worth waiting a few days before rechecking the area. Sometimes, just looking in all of your usual spots can quickly help you find an escapee.

We hope you found this article helpful in your quest to find lost birds.

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