Are you wondering why birds always seem to get inside your house? Why does a bird want in my house anyway? There should be a good reason why birds are constantly trying to get inside your house and if you want them to stop, you will need to figure out why they are doing so.
Birds do not just suddenly decide that they want to go inside a human’s house. Why is a bird trying to get into my house? There has got to be a reason why a bird would want to venture into an obviously dangerous place for them. For their safety, you need to know how to keep them out of your house.
If you want to keep them out, you need to know what things are attracting them in the first place.
What Does a Bird Want in My House?
What does it mean when birds fly into your house? Many things could accidentally cause birds to wander into your house. Here are some of them:
Unsecured Food Sources
One of the main reasons why birds would risk their safety just to get inside your house is unsecured food sources. If you leave your windows or doors wide open while you are cooking, a bird or two might venture into your home because they smelled the food.
In addition, any exposed food sources can attract unwanted attention from birds. Uncovered pet food, open trash cans, and anything else that birds can smell and have easy access to will make them want to go inside your house.
Bird-friendly Landscaping
If you have certain kinds of plants in your yard, then you might inadvertently attract birds to your property. Some of them may even wander into your house. For instance, if you have fruit-bearing trees or bushes, these would attract birds who are looking for food to come closer to your house.
If you can, reposition the plants somewhere far from the house. You may also install bird netting on the shrubbery.
Nesting Opportunities
Birds are always on the lookout for nesting sites. They do not stay in one nest for a long time. If they can find a better nest site than the one they have right now, they will relocate.
If you have an unmaintained chimney, uncapped vents, damaged soffits, and other spaces where a small bird can squeeze through and build nests, then they will build their nests there. You should regularly check your house’s structure to make sure that there are no spaces where birds can roost.
Light Sources
Bright lights may also accidentally attract nocturnal birds to get a bit too near your house, especially if there are not that many houses in your neighborhood.
Nocturnal birds might confuse the lights coming from your house with the light of the moon. This will disorient the birds and mess up their natural navigation system. Instead of using manual porch lights, consider using those with motion-sensor switches.
Reflective Objects
Birds are quite curious creatures, so when they find a reflective surface, they will go over and investigate. They might mistake the reflections for other birds or new territory. So, large glass windows and plate glass doors or any other reflective building materials can accidentally make birds fly into your house.
To prevent this from happening, reduce the reflectiveness of your windows and doors by adding matte tint. Aside from keeping birds out, it will also provide you with more privacy.
Exposed Water Sources
Flying can be quite taxing on the bodies of small birds, which means they are always hungry and thirsty. If there are easily accessible water sources near your home while they are getting a drink, they might feel compelled to wander inside your home.
Check the perimeter of your homes for plumbing issues, like a leaking pipe, dripping garden faucet, or any standing water. All these examples can lure birds close to your home.
If you find any source of water or if you cannot fix the issues yourself, get a plumber to help you out. You will essentially be killing two birds with one stone (pun not intended). You can keep birds away from your house and save money on your water bill.
Sources of Warmth
During the fall and winter seasons, you might find small birds going inside your home because it is comfortably warm inside your house. You might see small birds snuggling around the edge of your windows so that they can get a bit of warmth that is going outside. If they can find an opening to get inside your house, they will certainly do that.
To keep birds from getting too near your house during the colder parts of the year, make sure that the weatherproofing strips around your windows and doors are still intact. If they are a bit brittle already, replace them as soon as you can. This will not just deter birds from getting in your home but will also save a lot of money on heating expenses.
Understanding why does a bird want in my house will also give you insight into how to keep them at bay. Now you have a good idea why birds seem to randomly choose to go inside your house. As mentioned earlier, birds are not that smart but they are curious.
If they find something interesting inside or around your house, they will investigate. If you tried looking for the issues, but it seems like you cannot find anything, then it would be fine to ask professionals for help.
Remember, if a bird does accidentally get into your house, do not let your first reaction be to harm the poor little creature. Between the two of you, the bird is probably the more terrified one. Do your best to keep them from getting inside your house in the first place, and you won’t need to deal with them later.